How about a little cultural walk?
Walks in Montreal, especially during the summer the summer period are absolutely magnificent. Why not combine a walk through your favorite neighborhoods with a free cultural tour?
Art Public offers interactive map which allows you to choose from over 360 public artworks on the island of Montreal. Categories include sculpture, installation, painting, photography and multimedia.
As well as showing exactly where the works of art are located, the map explains the origin of each work with a photo, information about the artist, and an explanatory text about the work itself. Not to be missed: the 22 sculptures in the rené-Lévesque park they are breathtaking in their beauty, and don’t often feature on Montreal’s must-see lists.
What’s more, the map lets you discover the origins of works of art that are part of our everyday view of downtown, but to which we rarely stop to learn their meaning. Dentrites, by Michel de Broin, comes to mind:
and Source, by Jaume Plenza :
With a beauty we don’t always realize as busy (and often preoccupied) Montrealers, Art Public gives you the chance to not only see, but observe all the cultural richness of our beautiful city.
The next time you see an unfamiliar piece of street art, ask yourself the question! Or take a cultural tour of the works near you. You’ll have a better understanding of what makes Montreal tick.
Enjoy your walk!